Tnteam Special - The Ice & Fire Legacy - Perdition Uncensored!

Firefrost has fought Koori, the arch-enemy of her grandfather, Firelion, to a stand-off. However the battle left the young heroine with new questions about herself, her grandmother, Cold Winter, and the death of Firefrost’s parents. Determined to discover the truth, Firefrost has no choice but look for the help of Deacon, the man who guided her into the darkest corners of her very soul... The original TNTeam story was harsher than the final one. The team was still a combination of teens and young adults, with the latter behaving in a more extreme way. The characters had super-powers but they seldom wore traditional superhero costumes, preferring normal clothes that could be changed or easily ripped off. In the following pages, you can find the uncensored black; white version of Ice & Fire #2 - Perdition, in which the original eighteen years old Firefrost confronts the main villain in more provocative and sensual way. This issue contains nudity.