Golden Age Heroes to Ink and Draw!

Golden Age Heroes to Ink and Draw! Guidebook is both a time killer and a visual manual in which the reader takes action in first person and learn how to design characters in a retro style recalling the one of the best authors of the Golden Age of Comics. Aspiring artists and fans of old comics can test or hone their skills on over 40 original illustrations of Golden Age Heroes and Heroines that are now in the Public Domain. All illustrations come in their final, fully inked version and in a less advanced stage of graphic development providing an initial guide to finalize art and have fun!
A separate Template Book that goes along with the current Guidebook is also available for all readers...
Golden Age Heroes to Ink and Draw! Guidebook
Golden Age Heroes to Ink and Draw! Template
Golden Age Heroes to Ink and Draw! Guidebook - Pocket Book!
Golden Age Heroes to Ink and Draw! Template - Pocket Book!
Heros de l’Âge d’Or à Dessiner! - Guide - Livre de Poche!
Heros de l’Âge d’Or à Dessiner! - Modèles - Livre de Poche!
Heros de l’Âge d’Or à Dessiner! - Guide
Heros de l’Âge d’Or à Dessiner! - Modèles
Golden Age Heroes to Ink and Draw! Guidebook
Golden Age Heroes to Ink and Draw! Template
Golden Age Heroes to Ink and Draw! Guidebook - Pocket Book!
Golden Age Heroes to Ink and Draw! Template - Pocket Book!
Heros de l’Âge d’Or à Dessiner! - Guide - Livre de Poche!
Heros de l’Âge d’Or à Dessiner! - Modèles - Livre de Poche!