We need help for Public Domain Encyclopedia 4
Dear all, We are about to start working on the fourth volume of the Public Domain Encyclopedia, dedicated to the Better/Nedor/Standard children characters, a bounch of mouses, ducks, talking dogs, crickets and other funny animals that have nothing to envy to the more famous Disney characters… However, many of these are not easily discovered, since the early issues of Barnyard, or Coo Coo Comics and other children series may be lost or not available online. Here (http://www.bemystudio.com/pdf/PDE4/PDE4_missing_characters.pdf) you can find a list of the characters we are missing, along with their comic appearances. If you have information and especially images of these character, do not hesitate to link it to this Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/publicdomainencyclopedia), or write us at bms[at]bemystudio.com